What to Expect

Brown church pew with pillows

Quakers (Friends) come together in silent worship knowing that the Spirit is present among us and in us, and can be experienced today to give meaning, hope and power to our lives. With all our hearts, we affirm that the Divine is expressed in every human being. We are placed in unity with each other by this experience and by our commitment to the Quaker way of living it brings to us.

We welcome to our worship all persons of whatever sexual orientation, race, religion, or gender who seek after truth and who are in sympathy with this way of living. Moreover, our experience directs us into the world to sever the bonds of hatred and division. We strive to work toward the goals of universal love and blessing in society and in creation.

Our form of worship is to meet quietly in community each Sunday. There is no formal minister, priest, or pastor who “runs” the Worship Meeting. North Columbus Friends Meeting has a “clerk” who serves as a facilitator of Meeting for Worship. We wait in silence to be led.

Any person who feels “led” by the Spirit may rise and speak what she or he has felt compelled to share. Speaking in Meeting is not the time for debate, but rather a time to meditate, listen, reflect, and contemplate. Normally a person speaks only once during a Meeting. Some Meetings for Worship pass in complete silence, in other Meetings much is shared. Meetings for Worship end when the Clerk rises and takes the hand of another to greet them. Introductions and announcements follow.

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